1919 A.A. Largent (Recording Secretary) Norman E. Bourne (Financial Secretary) 1920 Dorsey Hoppes (Recording Secretary) Vern Rakestraw (Financial Secretary) 1921 - 1922 Frank Glaze (Recording Secretary) H.S. Cottey (Financial Secretary) 1923-1924 Frank Glaze (Recording Secretary) Herbert Lyons (Financial Secretary) 1925 W.L. Martin (Recording Secretary) Norman E. Bourne (Financial Secretary) 1926 W.L. Martin (Recording Secretary J.S. Thompson (Financial Secretary) 1927 M. Masters (Recording Secretary) A.N. Buckner (Financial Secretary) 1928-1929 V.A. Kranz (Recording Secretay) A.N. Buckner (Financial Secretary) Business Managers In 1930 The Position of "BUSINESS MANAGER" was created to help facilitate Organizing The Locals Jurisdiction and Establishing Friendly Relations with Employers and Promote the I.B.E.W To Local Businesses. 1930 M.Masters 1931-1934 A.N. Buckner 1935-1938 J.F. Brown 1939-1954 N.E. Bourne Recording Secretary: 1939-40: J.S. Thompson 1941-43: Wayne Burkhalter 1944-45: Edward Scott 1946-47: Ray McDowell 1948-49: Robert Dumoulin 1950-51: Cloyd Thrasher 1952-53: Ed Rayl 1954-Vaughn Small 1955-1960 Edward Rayl RECORDING SECRETARY: 1955-57: Vaughn Small 1958-60: Robert Talbert 1961-1964 Robert M. Talbert RECORDING SECRETARY: 1961-64: Larry Montgomery 1965-1967 Robert J. (JOE) Hanley RECORDING SECRETARY: 1965: Larry Montgomery 1966-67: Richard Ruch 1968-1971 Chet Tressel RECORDING SECRETARY: 1968-71: Richard Ruch 1972-1978 G.R. (Dick) Klein RECORDING SECRETARY: 1972-76: Daniel Coughlin 1977: Edwin C. Vossler 1978: Steve Salmons 1979-1980 Ferman Collins RECORDING SECRETARY: 1979-80: Steve Salmons 1981-1987 G. R. (Dick) Klein RECORDING SECRETARY: 1981-83: Steve Salmons 1984-86: Danny Dickman 1987-89: Donna Wenning 1990-2005 Arden C. Scruggs RECORDING SECRETARY: 1990-92: Larry Young 1993-97: John Hendrickson 1998-2005: Donna Meyer 2006-2010 William Thompson RECORDING SECRETARY: 2006-07: Donna Meyer 2008-10: Todd Hutchins 2011-2017 Charles Griffin Jr.
RECORDING SECRETARY: 2011-14: Todd A. Hutchins 2015-2017: Mike Mills 2017-Present Michael A. Young (Not Pictured) RECORDING SECRETARY: 2017-2020: Mike Mills 2020-2023: Shannon Young 2023-Current: Gabe Svetlovics |